Thursday, November 24, 2011

Exercise Update

This past week I've been trying out running. I never thought I'd like it...but I do! I should've listened to Emily all those months ago, but I guess I just had to find it in my own time.

This week has been a starter week, but I'm proud of where I am. I haven't run a mile since high school, where my times were anywhere between 9 and 11 minutes. This week I've been running two miles in thirty minutes and my average speed has been about a 4. All in all I'd say that's pretty good!

I figure I'll start off three days a week and start doing more days if I feel like it. I have a small inkling my legs will appreciate the days off I'm giving myself. :-).

Oh and P.S. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with their loved ones! :-)

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