Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I found this great new Blog...iheartorganizing....and have gotten some great ideas for our tiny apartment. I'm starting to get into decorating and crafting more so than I ever have before. My first project is going to be repainting a storage unit and putting wallpaper on the backs of the shelves to give it some color. I am also thinking of taking the pictures from my road trip across the country and doing a mixture of b&w and color pictures of my favorites across our large and blank living room wall. Pictures will follow once all of these things get done, I promise!

I am trying to decide what I want to do now and what I am going to wait to do once we buy a house. There is so much running through my head that I am excited about that I have to hand pick just a few projects that can be done now, and wait on the rest. If you know me, then you understand how hard this is going to be! I like getting things done quickly to reap the benefits!


Amy said...

I <3 Iheartorganizing :) I found it some how one day, and now I cyber-stalker her blog every few days looking for new ideas :) It's so bright and cheery on her site.
Also, I love your idea of doing a "picture wall" with pictures from your road trip :)

Unknown said...

I do too!! I love her idea of a making a closet into a desk area. That was probably one of my favorite things she has done. :-). I stalk her blog a lot!!!