Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Picture Frame Earring Holder

Last night I was looking at a friends blog, and found a post that inspired me. How simple of an idea is it to take a picture frame, chicken wire, and sandpaper and make a jewelry holder out of it? Well, I'm here to tell you that it is!

I started off at Lowes in search of sandpaper and chicken wire. I already had a picture frame at home that needed a makeover so a quick trip to the store was all I needed to get started!

The first thing I did once at home was sand down the frame then do a coat of white paint (I forgot to take photos of both these steps).

The next thing I did was do two coats of blue (mix of light and dark) and let it dry....

Then I took the chicken wire and hot glued it to the back of the frame making sure I put more than needed to hold it in place.

Then I hung it up on the wall.....the color is much darker in this picture for some reason!

And here is the semi-finished product! The best part of this is the entire project cost me less than $8! I have more earrings still packed away somewhere and I need to find them. :-) I'm also going to put hooks on the bottom of the frame to hang my necklaces from and once I "outgrow" this frame I have another one that will be its twin!! :-)

Don't worry...I'll post more pictures once I completely finish the frame!! Right now, at least this does the trick! haha


Road To Creativity said...

woohoo your first follower. Great job on the earring holder!!

Unknown said...

yaay!!!! Thank you! I am very excited!