Thursday, April 14, 2011

TSA Pat downs - Okay for Children, or Going To Far?

Watching the news this morning, I heard (for about the third time since yesterday) about the six year old girl who got a pat down at the New Orleans airport. It brought the question to mind, how young is too young for this? Young children are getting mixed messages from their parents on this issue. They teach them to not let *anyone* touch them in their "sensitive areas," but it is okay for a stranger at an airport to do it? This young girl was visibly upset *before* the pat down and her parents say she was crying after because she just couldn't understand why it had happened to her.

I am all for security at the airports, and I understand that as an adult I have the option not to fly. Children do not understand and as much as parents try to explain the reasoning behind it happening, it must still be confusing and upsetting for them. We need to find an alternative to "frisking" children that will satisfy both the TSA and the parents. If you haven't seen the clip, please click on the link below:

The parents of the young girl say they asked for alternatives, but were told no and that the pat down would still be done. How scary is it being frisked in front of large crowds of people? I know its uncomfortable because its happened to me, but think of a young child! They do not understand! Having people walk by and look at them as a stranger runs their hands over their clothes....uncomfortable and humiliating!

I also have issue with the other Mom in this video. She says she flies all the time, good for her. How can she say that its okay for the TSA to do this to another child and that she would let them do their job if her son was picked as well? I have a feeling that she'd be upset and put up a fuss if they asked to do it to her child, especially if he was extremely upset after the process. I just don't think any of us can say how we'd react if it hasn't happened to us. I know that if I had a child and it happened to them, I would be upset and angry and humiliated *for* them.

The other couple is completely right in saying that the TSA is doing this to prevent attacks, which we all know and understand, but I think the mom hit it right on the head: "She just won't understand. She's only *five* years old." I am obviously upset about this, and I'm proud that the girls parents are saying, 'this is not okay. Lets find a solution that works for all of us.' Lets just hope that we find a solution sooner rather than later, that way children don't have to keep going through this!

1 comment:

Road To Creativity said...

My opinion is that this is the world we live in today. And I think it is the responsibility of the parent to explain to the child that this might happen. I think it would be less scary for them. I, as an adult don't want to be pat down, but if it keeps me safe on a plane, I guess I have to do it.