Monday, May 16, 2011

An Inspiring Beginning

Inspiration: stimulation or arousal of the mind, feelings, etc, to special or unusual activity or creativity.

I am feeling inspired today friends. I am not sure what brought this on but I am very excited about it, and decided to share my thoughts with all of you. My goal for the next two months is to learn the accompaniment to one of my favorite songs, "For Good" from Wicked. I should probably start with something much much easier, but what can I say? I'm ambitious! Gran got me a really nice keyboard for Christmas last year and I've slowly been learning how to play it. Because of my experience with the flute and numerous years of voice lessons I can easily read sheet music so that isn't the hard part. I am really having trouble learning the bass clef because I am so used to the treble clef, so I have a feeling that is the part that is going to take me the longest. I also have taught myself the wrong way to place my fingers on the keys, so I have to relearn that as well!

There really is no point to this post, but to share my thoughts with you all. Wish me luck as I try to accomplish my goal! Hopefully I'll get to the point where I can play the accompaniment and sing the song at the same time!!! :-)

1 comment:

Road To Creativity said...

Good luck and have fun along the way!!!