Monday, June 20, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 7

Saturday Chris and I took my sister to Pittsburgh because we wanted to take our new car on a road trip. The idea was to get there around 10:30-11:00 p.m. and go to an authentic German bar that was right across the street from our hotel. However, with the luck Chris and I have we got there around 12:30 a.m. due to heavy rain and a bad traffic accident in a tunnel so we couldn't go with our original plans. Instead, we hung out in the hotel and had fun there. It was a great trip and so much fun, but I'm still a little tired from it!

When we got up on Sunday, I knew exactly what I wanted to do for my Sunday picture. It had to be a silhouette picture, and I was praying that even with a regular digital camera it would come out okay. Its not my favorite picture I've ever done, but it was my first try and it can only get better from here!

Here are a few pictures of Chris looking out the hotel window:


Road To Creativity said...

This came out nice. I was wondering how to do that.

Unknown said...

Thank you! I had to go on google to try and figure out how to do it myself! Haha... I think it wouldve come out better if I had an SLR camera....but a regular digital worked fine too. :-)