Tuesday, June 21, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 9

I have a new favorite meal. Its perfect for those hot east coast summer days when all you want is something cool to eat! It also uses two of my favorite ingredients: feta cheese and strawberries! What is it you ask? A strawberry chicken salad!

The challenge for today was to take an up close photo. To me, there is nothing better than a delicious looking zoomed in picture of food. The only problem with looking at this picture is that it is making me hungry! Got to run…dinner is calling!


Road To Creativity said...

Looks yummy! I have never had feta cheese.

Unknown said...

Its delicious! After Sam came back from Greece she was obsessed with all kinds of cheese! haha She loves feta and now has gotten me obsessed with it too. :-)

Amy said...

ugh! That does look good. It reminds me of that salad Panera has for the summer (with all the fruit in it).

Unknown said...

I actually got the idea for it from Red Robin. They have a grilled chicken strawberry salad (have no idea if thats the name or not…haha) but I couldn't have it because there were almonds in theirs. Major bummer! So Chris and I went shopping after so I could make my own version! lol It is soo good!!!

Emily said...

Yum! These are are a few of my favorite things, in one dish! After seeing this here yesterday, I made it for dinner last night. It was so good!