Monday, June 13, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day1

After reading over the two lists of photography challenges I found, I realized I could not choose which one I wanted to do. While they were similar in many ways, they were also different. I fell in love with some of the challenges on both which gave me the idea to combine the two lists into one and that would be my challenge for the month!

We made a facebook group and I am extremely excited that there are a fair amount of people participating in it with me! I always feel I'll be more motivated to do something if I have others pushing me along. Today is day one, which means we had to do a self-portrait. I am forever grateful that Chris bought me my Macbook for Christmas two years ago, because there is nothing easier than using Photo Booth to take pictures of yourself! haha!

The nerd in me decided to do some research online to find out how others did self-portraits of themselves so I could get a few good ideas. I saw some really creepy ones (seriously, people are weird!) but then I saw some really creative, off-the-wall pictures that I fell in love with. Taking the advice of others, this is what I came up with:
For me, (now that I have a coffee machine), this is how my morning starts. I never thought I'd be the person addicted to caffeine every morning…but here I am! I blame my sister in lots of ways because she was the one who told me I needed a coffee machine for when she stays the night with us (thanks a lot Sam!). But…this is who I am now and I guess thats okay. haha!

Additional Details:
  • I edited the photograph using iPhoto and the "fade color" tool.
  • The "Team Sarah" shirt is from the McCain/Palin campaign (its comfy…don't judge! ha!)
  • And in case you're wondering…yes I do drink my coffee out of a straw. I like my teeth pretty and white! :-)

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