Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday Sweetness: Baking with Butterscotch

Chris found a delicious looking recipe for Harry Potter cupcakes here.  I wanted to try them over the weekend but we had so much going on (Julie and Reuben's wedding reception and then family time again on Sunday) that I had to wait until today.  Let me say that this recipe does take a while so make sure you have a few hours if you want to try to make them!

The first thing I did was spray down my cupcake pans with PAM and set the stove to 350 degrees!
 Then I made sure I had colorful paper cups in my pans!

All of the ingredients used to start baking!

 Take the butter, sugar, eggs, butter and vanilla flavoring and mix them all together in a large bowl.

In a separate bowl mix the dry ingredients together and then put the buttermilk and cream soda into a measuring cup.  In the third larger bowl (with the eggs and sugar mix), slowly mix in the dry ingredients and cream soda/buttermilk.
 This is how your cake batter should look!

I always put a bowl of water under whatever I'm baking to make sure it rises the way I want it too.

Here are the ingredients for the butterscotch ganache!

Put ingredients in a saucepan and heat it until it all blends together.

This is what the final product will look like.

Ahh...cupcakes fresh out of the oven!

And now I'm mutilating them with forks.

Make sure to add a lot of the butterscotch ganache to the inside of the cupcakes!

Then I made my own butterscotch frosting and coated the cupcakes in it.  Yes I know, that is a lot of sugar!

And last but not least, I covered the top of the frosting with more butterscotch ganache. 
 These cupcakes are soo good, but so sweet.  I have a feeling Chris and I will be snacking on them for a while because one a day is enough for me!  Also, you will have left over cream soda so I ended up making butterbeer (another fantastic Harry Potter treat) to drink with my cupcake! 



Road To Creativity said...

I just saw this recipe for Beerbutter cupcakes on a blog that I stalk!!

Unknown said...

haha It must be becoming extremely popular!