Monday, April 25, 2011

Fear of a Black Thumb

I have never been one to want a garden, or lots of plants. The reason is that I pretty much kill anything I touch. I think I get that from my mom. She got plants for the back deck at her house (I think Julie convinced her to do it) and within a week or two, they were all dead. Mom just forgot to water them! I will never forget all of us scolding her because she spent money on these really pretty plants, and she just forgot about the upkeep. That is why I am surprised that for easter, she got Chris and I a 'grow your own herbs' kit. I know that Chris will forget to water them and I know he'll forget to remind me to do it as well! We both get so busy that we are always remembering to do things days after we were supposed to do so in the first place! Maybe I just need to make a daily chart of chores....hmm...just got another crafting idea! :-)

Anyways. Here is what I did so far today:

This is what I started out with. A cute little kit from Lowes that looks easy enough, right?

Inside were two little circles of soil and the packets of seeds. I put the soil in a large bowl and poured water over the soil so that it would expand. Then I fluffed it with a fork and poured a tad more water in it so the soil was damp to the touch and evenly distributed it into the metal canisters.

After that, I took the seeds out of the packets and gently pressed them into the soil. I had some leftover in the bowl and placed that on the very top, making sure to cover all the seeds. It was difficult to see the basil because the seeds blended in with the dark soil, so I'm hoping I was able to cover them all!

Then, I decided to make labels on the computer so I knew which plant was which!
After this was done, I of course had to cut them to size so that they would fit on the containers!
I have to say that this cutter was the best investment I ever made....even though I keep telling Chris I need a bigger one at some point! haha. Its good for small projects, but it is extremely difficult to use when you need larger pieces of paper!

When all of that was finally done (it really only took about ten minutes total!), I scanned the house for a nice sunny place to put my new plants! Luckily, we have a nice table in the living room that needs some love, so I decided on that spot. It gets lots of sun during the day and its out in the open where I can see it so I'm hoping I won't forget to water it daily (fingers crossed)!
So now, all I can do is hope and pray that I remember to take care of it! And once it starts growing, I'll be able to pick my own herbs for our food! How exciting!