Friday, April 29, 2011

Redesigned Space

In our apartment, Chris has his own computer room. This is where he goes to play WOW, relax, hang out with his friends, etc. Since there are only two rooms in the apartment and Chris occupies the spare, I had to get creative with the lack of space I had to do homework, work on crafts, etc. This is what I started with:

So do you see my problem? Very little space, it was hard to get to my arts and crafts because they were underneath the desk, and it was so crowded and dark! I decided that the green contact paper would brighten it up my space so much, so I got to work!

The finished product looks like this! I moved my craft box to a different corner of the room and I moved everything except the essentials off my desk! Its nice to have more room to do things, and I love how putting the contact paper on the desk has really brightened the small space up. It makes me happy every time I look at it! :-)

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