Thursday, April 28, 2011

Early Morning Blues

Am I cursed? Jinxed? I'm convinced that I have come into contact with the plague after the morning I had. To fully understand whats going on, I'll have to start from the beginning!

There was a really bad storm here last night. Lots of rain, thunder, lightening, a few tornados that did minimal damage (near our area at least….the south was not as fortunate)….When I woke up, there were flash flood warnings and school delays. Chris and I left early because he had to be at work by ten. After dropping him off, I decided to drive across the street and get breakfast. Once I got back on the road, I noticed a black car behind me (a under cover cop) and knew I was in trouble. I couldn't get over or get off on an exit to escape because I was doing all I could to concentrate on the road because the rain was so heavy. His lights came on and my heart dropped. I pulled over, grabbled my license and Chris's, and fished through the middle console for the papers from the DMV. I heard the usual, "do you know why I pulled you over?" and of course said yes. I told him that the Pentagon Police put a hold on Chris's registration because his front plate fell off months ago, and that we are waiting for them to release the record so we can renew it. The DMV knows what is going on, and we are now just playing the waiting game. After looking over all the notarized papers, my license, Chris's license, etc. he went back to his cop car and wrote me a ticket. I asked him what I could do, because it didn't seem fair to write me a ticket for something I had no control over. I even started to tear up, hoping, praying that maybe he'd take a little bit of pity on me. NOPE. He said it wasn't his problem and to "have a nice day." I guess all he cared about was getting his quota before the month is up. But….Seriously? Have a nice day? Definitely didn't seem possible after that. I was frustrated, angry, upset, you name it. It just doesn't seem fair that I am getting punished for this. Police aren't even supposed to be able to put holds on your driving record! The Pentagon Police can't even tell us why this happened, let alone figure out how to fix it. The DMV says we have to wait for the police to figure it out, the police say they don't know what to do. So I get a ticket for the governments stupidity?! I have to pay because our government can't figure out how to fix a problem they caused?!

That ticket was on my mind all morning. I couldn't concentrate in class, and my mind still wasn't focused on the task at hand when I took my religion final. I knew I should have waited to take the test. I knew that I couldn't put my all into it when I wasn't all there. A fifty-nine questionnaire only took twenty-three minutes. I knew when I pressed submit I was not going to be happy with the results. I am lucky that this will not affect my grade in a substantial manner. I am lucky that I have done well so far in this class and that my GPA will not be affected from this one test.

When I finally left school, Chris called and told me he was able to get through to the DMV. He was told that all he had to do was ask the Pentagon Police to write a letter saying they have no problem releasing our record, and we can renew our registration…….Ummm. What?! We have been fighting for seven months to get this fixed, and they tell us now that all we need is a letter?! I'm grateful we have such great people that work for our government that are so on top of everything that goes on. I'm thankful that every time we talk to someone new, they tell us a different story. I'm so thankful! Wait….that doesn't sound right at all. Shouldn't these people be trained? Shouldn't they know what to do when a problem arises? I guess they feel that since it does not affect them directly, they don't really care. Well all I have to say is….thanks. Thanks. A. Lot. It may not affect them, but it affects me. Their stupidity has cost me money. Money I really don't want to spend. Money I shouldn't have to pay. This is ridiculous. Infuriating. Aggravating.

And to top all of this off, I left my house keys in the house. How does that help me you ask? It doesn't. I had to drive back to Chris's work and get his keys, just so that I would be able to get in. This happened to me about two weeks ago as well. My mind is not functioning today. It must be on strike, vacation, something.


Road To Creativity said...

Hang in there. Tomorrow has to be better right???

Unknown said...

Today is much better! Especially since I don't have to go anywhere! :-)