Friday, May 13, 2011

Computer Room Re-do

**There are not a lot of before pictures with this post because I am a little embarrassed to show everyone just how bad the room looked. Enjoy!**

The past week has been filled with loads of house projects. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed and I just don’t know where to start sometimes. I need to make a list of all the things I want to do and when I think I am able to get things done. The goal is to make more room to store things in our apartment, because in reality there is not that much storage room. Since I have a few months until school starts, my goal is to have every project done and have a very organized and clean household.

My first big project was Chris’s computer room. He has a huge space but it was cluttered, the tv was sitting on the floor, and the mattress was on the floor as well. The closet was a complete disaster with our Christmas stuff, his WOW cards/games/boxes/etc., clothes, and many other things thrown everywhere. There needs to be a system, an easy way to find what we need.

Here is a picture of what it looked like when I first started:

By this point, I’d already pulled everything out of the closet (which is why there is such a mess) and thrown it in the middle of the floor. Poor Chris had to carve out a path from the door to his desk to the bathroom just so he wasn’t walking on trash. haha!

I’m not going to lie, this project took a few days (Okay…more like a week or so). I saw the huge piles of crap on the floor and I just did not know where to start. I would walk in the room and just stare at the floor and then walk back out. It was too overwhelming.

The first thing I did was go through all of the things we have and figure out what to throw away and what to keep. By the end of this, I had two big black trash bags full. I had two more big piles of things to keep and things I needed to ask Chris about. Once that was done the rest of the work did not seem like such a daunting task.

The closet that was full of Chris’s WOW stuff was by far the most challenging part of the whole ordeal. He had twelve binders (one inch each) full of WOW cards that were sitting on top of the shelf (which was starting to bend under the pressure) and twelve more card boxes (ten of them were full) right beside the binders. There were also many other boxes, games, yearbooks, pc games, etc. in there as well. This part of my closet purging project was the most difficult but most rewarding too. When I finally got everything put in boxes, placed the binders on the floor, and put everything back in the closet I was about 80% done!

The next thing we did was bring a tv stand into the room, dust everything, vacuum, and move around some furniture. The end result looks like this:

I finally found a use for that small yellow box (found at Target for $1.00)! It holds our pens, and some things Chris uses for his computer.

We are going to get a frame for the bed eventually and make it into a couch….details to come! I'm very excited about this project!

And here is what the entire room looks like. I'm so happy every time I walk in and look around!


Road To Creativity said...

Very nice!!

Unknown said...

Thank you! It keeps Chris happy!! So when he is am I! :-) haha