Friday, May 13, 2011

Snazzy Recipe Binder

I have been racking my brains lately to find a new way to store my recipes. Every time I go to cook something, I have to look at a small index card and carry it around the kitchen with me just to see what ingredients I needed to use next. I wanted something big enough for me to see from a distance, as well as something that I could grow in to. Thank goodness my favorite blog, iheartorganizing, was the answer to my prayers! So I ended up taking the idea from her blog
because I was so in love with it. Great idea right? Yea, I thought so too!
Because Chris keeps everything, we have a ton of unused binders (we'll never have to shop for school supplies again!). This is very lucky for me because I am starting to find new and great ideas on how to use them (more on that later). Anyway…I took a small binder and some cute scrabooking paper and dazzled it up a bit. Here are the steps that I took to make my very own recipe binder. A cute, practical way to make my life in the kitchen just a little bit easier!

The first thing I did was type and print up the recipes on my computer. I used different themes for each different type of recipe I have (ie: beef, pork, chicken, pasta, etc..) so that only the category colors would match.

Then I made cover pages, used a drop letter for the title, and matched the theme from the recipes on the cover pages.

Then, I cut three pieces of scrapbooking paper (two for the front and back and one for the side) and decorated my binder.

Then I placed all of the papers in the binder in a specific order! See how great it is for me to find everything! I can't even begin to describe how happy I am with this project so far!

And it is so easy to read what I need now. I no longer have to look at small index cards to make my favorite meals! And there are so many possibilities with this.

You can be assured that this will be easy to grow in to and I can't wait to start adding to it! I'm planning to laminate all of the recipes (so easy to do with clear contact paper!) for an easy clean-up (if need be). I will continue to update you on what other great things I add to my recipe binder and what new, great ideas I come up with! Do you have any great ways to store your favorite recipes?


Road To Creativity said...

nice work!!

Unknown said...

Thank you!!! I'm very happy with it! :-)