Wednesday, June 22, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 10

On Monday, we had people come in to the apartment to spray for bugs.  Gross, I know but one of our neighbors apparently likes to live in filth.  So over the weekend I had to pull all of our things out of the kitchen and put them in the dining room so they could spray.  I hated living that way, having to search the dining room for silverware, plates, glasses, etc.  It sucked.  Its so inconvenient and such a pain.

I started putting some things away yesterday, but wasn't able to finish.  Especially because I had to scrub all the cabinets first.  Here is a preview of what we lived with for a few days:

Lens: Lucifer VI
Film: BlacKeys B+W
Flash: Berry Pop

Lens: Lucifer VI
Film: BlacKeys B+W
Flash: Berry Pop

It was actually worse because I didn't take before pictures, these are the "halfway" ones!  Today's challenge was to take black and white pictures, so I hope you enjoy looking at my mess!  I can't wait to be done and have my kitchen/dinning room back!


Road To Creativity said...

Great use of black and white!!

Unknown said...

I just realized that the ness is much harder to see when it's a black and white photo! Haha it's almost like I planned it that way.... :-)