Thursday, June 16, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 4

Today I decided to take a picture of my favorite place in our house. At first I thought it would be a picture of the bed because it is just so comfy, but when I really started thinking about it I realized that that is just my favorite place to sleep. My favorite place in the house is not my own, it is somewhere that Chris and I spend a lot of time together. I like to curl up and read, watch movies, and do craft projects in front of this special place. It is so special to me because there are a lot of memories of Chris, my friends, and my family tied into it.

So here is a picture of our couch. The second most comfy thing we own (next to the bed…haha!) and a place where we spend a lot of time together:

Here are a few "fun" pictures I took with the Hipstamatic App on my iPhone:

Lens: Buckhorst H1
Film: Float
Flash: Berry Pop
Lens: Tejas
Film: DreamCanvas
Flash: Berry Pop

Lens: Roboto Glitter
Film: Float

Lens: Kaimal Mark II
Film: Float
Flash: Berry Pop
Lens: Tejas
Film: DreamCanvas
Flash: Berry Pop

And here are some more pictures of all the love we've showed it over the past two years:

This was taken two years ago during a ridiculous snowstorm that held us hostage for a few days in the house (until Emily and I were brave enough to venture out). Emily came to visit all the way from California and from the looks of it, she and Chris were having a great time!

And when Chris and I lived in Seattle for five months, the couch made the trip with us!


Road To Creativity said...

That couch has been well used!! Do you use an app on your iphone to get the special effects. I like that.

Unknown said...

It has! Its such a comfy couch. haha! I used the hipstamatic app which is said to be the best photo app on a phone. Chris told me that its just as good as carrying around a digital camera…just more compact.

I love it because it has so many options for different lenses, flashes, and films and the effects are so aweosme. :-)

Emily said...

lol! That's one of my favorite pictures from that trip! We were practically delusional from being couped up inside! LOVE hipstamatic! My self portrait post was done using hipstamatic.

Unknown said...

My favorite picture was the one where you came in after taking a nose-dive into the snow! lol...Priceless! But this one is great too! :-)

I'm in love with Hipstamatic! How did you do your self portrait with it? Did you turn it around and just hit the button? was still great! I swear I don't know what I'd do without my iPhone!

Emily said...

Yeah, I turned it around and had the screen facing a mirror so I could see the alignment. Here are the settings:

lens: John S
film: Kodot XGrizzled
flash off

Thanks btw! I seriously love hipstamatic! We shoud design a 30 day hipstamatic challenge!