Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Handmade Labels

I was planning on cleaning the house today, Lord knows it needs to be done, but when I got up I just was not in the mood. For my birthday last year, Chris bought me sugar and flour containers. There are four different containers, all different sizes, and they are black and silver to match everything else in our kitchen. I wanted to make cute labels for them so when people came over and they needed sugar they did not have to look in every container before they found what they were searching for! So when I got up this morning, I sat in front of my computer and started researching ideas.

The first labels I found were made using Adobe Photoshop version 3.1. I downloaded the program to my computer and started working on it, but I quickly became frustrated. The program was confusing to me and I just couldn't figure out how to do what I had originally intended with that program. After much frustration I finally quit the program and took a little break. Then….a light bulb went off! Why didn't I just use Word 2007 from the beginning!?! Once I started making labels with that program, things went much more smoothly!

Here is what I did:

On Word 2007 I clicked on the Insert tab and pulled up Shapes. I used the octagon shape and then formatted it to size, filled in the shapes with different colors, and then typed in coffee, sugar, tea, and flour.

I printed out a white octagon that was to be used as the bottom layer, cut it out and made sure that it fit on the top of my containers before I cut out three more.

Then, I printed out the actual labels and also made sure the colors all matched the theme of my kitchen!!

Next, I made sure I actually liked the way the labels would look and then used modpodge to glue them on the tops of the containers. I also put a layer of modpodge on the very top to seal the papers because I did not want them to get wet and ruined while I'm cleaning.

And here is my finished product! The labels are cute, festive, and now I know exactly what I'm reaching for every time I cook!!!