Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Photo Organization

I was trying to think of something to do today, but was having a hard time deciding what I wanted to tackle. I bought four of these cute storage boxes from Walmart, and was going to use them to store our dvd's to save space. But when I brought them home, Chris did *not* like the idea so now we're on the hunt for something else (that we'll both like).

So...moving on....I remembered (after sitting on the floor and staring at the boxes for a while) that I had a ton of old photos from when I was little that were in bags and small photo holders. They really needed a new place to live because my closet just wasn't cutting it anymore. So, the light bulb turned ON and I got to work!

The first task was to lay all the pictures out on the floor and divide them into groups. This took a little while because there were *soo* many, and so many groups of just two or three that I had to figure out how to group them into bigger categories. After finishing the category segment, I started making labels on the computer with extra photo paper I had laying around. When I was finished with that, I was finally able to start putting the pictures in the box. The finished product was great (although, I might end up getting more boxes that are suited for photos since these are supposed to hold dvds and cds) and did not take up any extra space (which was my goal!). I'm not *thrilled* with the finished product, but it works for now! Maybe the next time I'm at target I'll find a cute photo box to pick up! For are some pictures of what I've done!

Ahhh...the start of it all. There were soo many pictures!!

Here are the super cute boxes that finally have a purpose!

I love the insides...Chris not so much. He says they're too "girly."

An example of a label I made.

And another one...

Here is the finished product! The middle one holds our Wii games (we'll see how Chris feels about *that* because I had to take the cds out of the boxes and put them in paper sleeves, which is why Chris did not want to use them for our dvd's.) and the top one holds the photos. The bottom one is empty at the moment, but probably not for long!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha It doesn't look like there are that many photos...but they're all in piles. Guess that picture just doesn't do them any justice!