Monday, April 18, 2011

Storage Unit Makeover

The other day I decided that I wanted to add wallpaper to the backs of my storage unit to give them some color. Looking online, I just couldn't justify spending $30+ dollars on wallpaper that I wouldn't even use half of. Instead, I found an idea on a blog of using shelf liners instead! That seamed a lot more feasible and I could definitely justify spending $5 to Chris!

I ended up forgetting to take pictures before I started, so please forgive me for that. I got this storage unit at Michaels for $25 (thank goodness for 50% off coupons!) about six months ago, and it was holding a bunch of knick knacks that had no where else to go. I found a place for all of my other things, and then decided to use small dvd boxes I bought at Wal Mart to store our Wii games and pictures!

Anyways....this is what I started with; a plain white unit (it actually stacks three high but I had already started before I remembered to take a picture!). I pried the nails off the backs of the unit so I could adhere the liner to it. It took a few tries to get all the wrinkles out and make sure it was on straight which got a little bit frustrating. After finally getting it done, this was my finished product:

Yes, it is two different color greens, but I think they compliment each other nicely. I'm also going to get some plain light brown baskets for the unit to store other things in and put them where the green boxes are now. The green boxes will go in front of the shelf liner paper, which I'm hoping will look really nice!


Road To Creativity said...

I like it!!

Amy said...

That is so cute. I really like the paper you used.